Ausweis – a unique document in the Museum’s collection


More documents, photographs, family keep- sakes… local land of Oświęcim residents and surrounding areas are increasingly getting involved in enlarging the collection of the Land of Oświęcim Residents’ Memory Museum. Several days ago, we received an extremely valuable document known as an “Ausweis.”

This document numbered 13402 was presented to us by Mr. Marian Domasik, born in Głębowice, a village written in the document as the German name of Glembowitz. Produced in 1943, the ID document records that Mr. Domasik was an employee at I.G. Farbenindustrial, later the chemical factory. A stamp in the document records that he was Polish.

For the Museum, this document is of great historical value. The “Ausweis” (ID) was a sort of certificate given to Polish people by the Germans during World War II.  Polish people were only allowed to move around in the occupied territory when in possession of such a document.

We must add here, that every document given to us is of significant historical value, so we do encourage you to contact us if you are willing to share your documents. Let’s remember, together we are creating history for future generations.