Instytucja Kultury województwa Małopolskiego

Unique residents’ portrait in progress

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Is the idea of aid important to you? Yes? Send us a photo of yourself! Show us that the memory of the wonderful people who rendered aid to the prisoners of Auschwitz is still alive today. Your photos will be included in the permanent exhibition as well as on our website.

Thank you for all the photos we have already received – you can see them here:

We would love to receive more photos from you and would greatly appreciate your passing on the news among your neighbours and friends.

The mission of the Remembrance Museum is to commemorate the inhabitants of the Land of Oświęcim who, at the risk of their own lives, rendered aid to KL Auschwitz prisoners during WWII. The main aim of the Museum is to create a modern facility where materials can be collected and collated regarding the fate of those inhabitants and place them within their historical context.

Works are currently underway to transform the former Lagerhaus into the Remembrance Museum’s HQ. One of the main aspects of the permanent exhibition is to be a portrait of residents for whom the concept of aid/ helping others is important. It will be our way of saying that the memory of those heroes – both men and women – who rendered aid to KL Auschwitz prisoners is still very much alive.

“During the creation of the exhibition, we came up with the idea of a Land of Oświęcim residents’ portrait. However, due to the pandemic and the associated restrictions, this is no longer possible. That is why we are suggesting another, and what is crucial, safe alternative,” said Director Dorota Mleczko.

So, what do I have to do?

It’s simple! If you are a Land of Oświęcim resident and support the idea of helping others, send a photo of yourself – selfies accepted – with something that is characteristic for the region in the background – this could be a building or a landscape view.

You will find the form and more information here –

As we receive your photos, we will upload them to our website. They will eventually become an important part of our permanent exhibition.